The Ditch The Travel Agent Starter Kit

Grab a Copy of My NEW E-Guide

Ditch the travel agent and plan your next adventure with my new e-guide! This comprehensive, step by step guide has helped me to save $1000’s in airfare, hotels & excursions, using tips gathered over 6 years of first hand experience! No gimmicks or “get paid to travel” schemes here, just sensible, easy-to-follow steps that helped this girl see the world!

Ditch the Travel Agent!

No shade to any travel agent friends out there, but I am here to tell you that you don’t need an expensive travel agency to plan your vacations, to “find any special deals” or to simplify a process that you can easily do yourself.

In my e-travel planner,  I detail how to seamlessly plan your next adventure, step by step. Don’t know if you need a visa? Best sites to find flights? Does it make sense to pre-book your excursion? Do I need travel insurance and if so, where do I get it? What happens if there’s an emergency while I’m abroad? All covered in my guide, including links to the resources you’ll need! Taking the mystery and misery out of travel planning. Complete with a Before You Go Checklist, Traveler’s Packing List, and BONUS Guide to Scoring Free Travel, you’ll become your own travel agent!

Get your copy today.

Please note: E-guide will be delivered electronically to the email address given when you submit payment via PayPal. Please use an active email address and double-check for accuracy to ensure delivery. The guide will be delivered within 24 hrs. of receipt of payment, but if you do not receive your copy, please send an email to 

If you have any questions or do not receive your e-guide within 24 hours after purchase, please send an email to

*** All purchases are final, but please email the address above if you need any additional assistance.

What Tips Are Inside?

Saving Money
  1. Win with rewards programs
  2. How to score the best flight deals
  3. Best travel credit cards
  4. Securing lodging
Navigating Unfamiliar Territory
  1. How to deal with an emergency
  2. Navigating currency & language differences
  3. Preventing travel scares
  4. 10 tips for staying in a hostel
How to Prepare
  1. Travel insurance
  2. My favorite travel apps
  3. Itinerary building
  4. Best times to travel (Anywhere)
  5. Before you go checklist
  6. Traveler’s packing list

Grab Your Copy Today!

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With over half of Millennials traveling or saving for a vacation, and Gen Z not too far behind, the travel industry is booming! Travel has never been more accessible or more affordable as the industry continues to rapidly change and become more and more convenient. But, I know that some of us out here still struggle with planning our trips, saving money, and knowing where to start.

Over 20 countries, 5 continents, and less than 6 years later, not only have I saved $1000’s in airfare, hotels, and excursions, but I’ve also gathered tips, compiling years of first-hand knowledge and experiences, as well as hours of countless research to share as a one-stop-shop for all things, travel planning!

Round trip ticket to Bermuda- Free (With Points), Round trip ticket to Houston, Texas-Free (With Points), Round trip Ticket to Hong Kong-$500, Every Car Rental in 2019- Free (With Points). How? Using a few easy-to-follow steps during my travel planning process, outlined in my new e-guide.

Grab your copy today!